Hoofcare & Information for Barefoot Soundness

Linda Cowles Hoof Care - Serving the greater SF Bay Area and Northern California

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Week Zero

March 14, 2006
Shoe Removal

Week 5 - April 21, 2006
Week 8 - May 12, 2006
Week 12 - June 6, 2006
Week 16 - July 1, 2006

Week 21 - August 2, 2006

I have to admit that I felt a bit hopeless when I took these first pictures of Lucas's feet.

Katja and I were both deeply concerned that we would have problems keeping him comfortable, even in rehab boots because he wasn't even sound in shoes at 6 weeks.

The truth is, he was so uncomfortable after we took his shoes off that I couldn't get after pictures.

Instead, we held our breath and prayed.




Poor Lucas had two bad feet and two other horrible feet. His walls were paper thin, his toes were stretched, his heels had nonexistent buttresses and were horribly under run, he had no digital cushion and his lateral cartilages were as thin and flimsy as the zip-lock areas of gallon zip lock baggies... horrible feet. Ghastly. Barefoot had to be better.

Two of his frogs weren't too bad, but the other two looked moth eaten. His soles stank of death and decay. One look at his soles indicated that they would be flat 1 week after taking his shoes off. I wanted to take after pictures, but Lucas couldn't bear to life his feet for it.

We hugged before Katja led limping Lucas up the hill to his stall.

Linda Cowles Hoof Care
Serving the greater SF Bay Area & Northern California
Copyright 2008 Linda Cowles
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